Internet Application Development

FIT5032: Week 5

Week 5 of Internet Application Development began our move towards dynamic page development. The topics covered were:

  • HTTP protocol review
  • HTML forms review
  • ASP.NET Standard server controls
  • Event driven programming and postback

As HTTP has been covered in detail through FIT9020 Data Communications I will skip this topic, noting that it is a stateless protocol. The diagram below illustrates how pages are processed from HTTP requests:

Case Study

FIT4037: Week 5

In week 5 of Case Study we discussed risk. There are a number of risks associated with system development, most stemming from:

  • communication between client and  developers
  • team issues within development team
  • inability of client to clearly define and agree on system requirements

Reviewing these risking and mitigating or managing them is critical for the success of system development.

In regards to Project we are working on as a team I am really finding that it is taking too much of my study time for the lesson that working in teams is difficult. At present my main goal for the unit is to pass whilst preventing it from adversely affecting my grades for other subjects.