Week 2 – search algorithms.I implemented A Breadth first search in Python for application to the Missionaries and cannibals problem.
—–>>>> Python script: http://mchost/sourcecode/MandC.py <<<<-—-
To run install python 2.7 then open terminal/cmd and $ python -i MandC.py
The game is not that simple: Play Missionaries and Cannibals game
The other search algorithms that we discussed in the week 2 lecture were:
- Breadth first search
- Depth First search
- Hill climbing
- Simulated annelaing
- Graph search (A*)
The most important assessment criteria for search algorithms are:
- Completeness [If there is a solution will it be found?]
- Optimality [Will the algorithm find the best solution (lowest path cost)]
- Time/Space complexity [Processing power and memory requirements]
Also introduced were heuristics [warmer colder hints for the search], two key characteristics:
- Admissibility [the cost of reaching the goal is never overestimated]
- Monotonicity [The estimated cost to goal from N1 is not greater than the step cost to N2 plus estimate to goal from N2 (aka consistency]
<a href=”http://www.novelgames.com/flashgames/game.php?id=54&l=e”>Missionaries and Cannibals</a>