Case Study

FIT4037: Week 2

We got our first submission in on time this week. There were however some issue with version control, but we learnt our lesson and this submission is not hugely important. The next task our group of 4 faces is the submission of a Business Case proposal. 

Our discussion has been positive with good insights from all memebers. I am however a bit concenred that we lack the technical skills to implement a ‘working prototype’ of the system. This concern is compounded by the fact that our seminars will not at any stage cover anything technical. 

better than ASP.NET

This subject brings forth an interesting question about IT companies. What is the planning/bureaucracy: productive work ratio? We have clearly been doing more planning work than anything else. When one thinks about this, it is probably quite logical as clear definition of the problem, scoping and segmenting the solution into workable tasks are imperative to producing a solution to any complex problem.

The being said, it is still uncomfortable through around concepts, ideas and slotting them into a schedule when we have no real evidence to suggest that the proposed solution or schedule is workable. This is something that only experience/experimentation can confirm which I guess is the point of this subject.

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