Introduction to OpenStack Online Courses

Session 3: Deploying OpenStack (PackStack and DevStack)

Session 3 looks at deploying OpenStack via manual, scripted and large scale methods.

  • Manual component deployments – see
  • Scripted – PackStack and DevStack are the primary options for scripted deployments of OpenStack
  • Large scale deployment – can be achieved with more advanced solutions such as TripleO, Director and others

In a typical OpenStack deployment there will be a number of node roles. For example:

  • Controller node – Typically the node controlling services (Keystone, Message queue, MariaDB, time servers etc)
  • Network controller node – Providing network services (routing -internal and external, software defined networking)
  • Compute nodes – Hypervisors with Nova agents
  • Storage nodes – Swift / Ceph etc

Of course for demo environment all of these roles may be fulfilled by 1 server.

DevStack is a scripted deployment tool that is ideal for testing and local machine lab environments. The course material is in reference to the Mitaka release of OpenStack which has already been EOLed and is for Ubuntu based servers which will provide less relevance for my CentOS/RHEL work environment. So, I will deviate from the course slightly by using CentOS 7 and the Pike release of OpenStack.

There are some Docker images of DevStack which were tempting but for the purposes of learning decided to stick with a VM. To install DevStack on CentOS 7 i completed the following:

  1. Create a VM on Hyper-V (or whatever) with CentOS 7 minimal (I choose to provide 6GB RAM (4GB aluminum), 2 vCPU, 60GB storage
    1. I also created a Hyper V virtual internal network which enabled static internal IP addresses and an external Hyper V network for internet connectivity
  2. ssh to the VM and download devstack and install via (depending on your internet connection this can take more than 1 hour):

    git clone
    cd devstack
    # create local.conf with the following contents:
    #	[[local|localrc]]
    #	ADMIN_PASSWORD=secret
  3. The Horizon interface should now be waiting for you when hitting the VMs IP / Hostname via a browser

Installing an all-on-one VM deployment of OpenStack on CentOS 7 using DevStack took all of about 30 minutes. This was pretty simple and seamless. Later I will need to try installing RDO via the scripted method – PackStack.

Back the course material we take a look at the node roles:

  • Controller node – Keystone, message queue, MariaDB and other critical services. May be 1, 1+n redundancy, n+n were high load is expected.
  • Network node – Providing the software defined networking (Neutron)
  • Compute node – Run the instances (Nova agent + Hypervisor)
  • Storage node – Swift/Ceph

There is a couple of slides now talking specifically about RedHat and CentOS. RDO is the OpenSource version of RedHats OpenStack platform and then a was through of deploying OpenStack on CentOS 7 with PackStack

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