GoLang Web Application Random

Free Golang IDE (s) on macos (Visual Studio Code / vim)

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a now is Microsoft’s now OpenSource IDE that runs on windows, macos and linux!

Simple set up guide here: Assuming go is installed and ready to do – the download, install and setup took about 5 minutes. Everything just works out of the box and its much less dependency on complex config files and plugins (vs vim).

Vim (abandoned this for Microsoft Visual Code)

Install these if they are not already:

brew install vim
# Note that is is executing arbitrary code from an the vim-go repo 
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs 
git clone ~/.vim/plugged/vim-go
  • Customise ~/.vimrc to enable and configure your plugins and shortcut keys
  • Once th ~/.vimrc is added run :GoInstallBinaries to get vim-go’s dependencies

Shortcut keys in this vimrc:

  • \ + b -> build
    • if errors occur toggle forward and back through them with ctrl + n and ctrl + m
    • close quick fix dialogue boxes with \ + a
  • \ + i -> install
  • dif (whilst on func def, delete all contents for func)

Autocompletion sucks though 🙁 so adding neocomplete is a must).

With existing versions of brew installed vim and the introduced dependency of xcode makes the setup time high. I went through this in the past and after a fairly long hiatus from writing code if find nothing is working quite right.