Foundations of Programming

FIT9017: Week 8

Judy returned to present lecture 8 this week, focussing on Encapsulation and Scope. The coverage of each aspect was quite introductory so I am just going to list through the points covered very breifly.

A graphic illustration of the encapsulation of Objects
  • Public Interface – public method and constructors are the objects/class’s interface
  • Encapsulation enables information hiding, a key point of object oriented development and code re-use
  • Local Variables – Scope limited to within a method
  • Field – attribute of an object, shoudl be private
  • Final – cannot be changed

Pearl of the Week:

  • Static vs Final – a good explination here

Short post this week, recently got Visual Studio 2010 so will look at trying out some C# in the next couple of weeks assuming I don’t get to addicted to SC2.

Computer Technologies and O/S

FIT9018: Week 8

Week 8’s lecture returned to the UNIX shell for some more in depth analysis. The tutorial was dedicated to Squid Proxy Server and how to run it from shell.

 First off, the lecture on Shell Scripting:

What happens when you type a command in shell

Database Technology

FIT9019 – Week 8

Was quite a hectic week for Database Technologies with the movement of lecture and tutorials and the major assignment due. Thank to Manoj for putting in so much consultation time for everyone outside of class hours. Unfortunately I could not make the lecture due to work commitments but I will review the lecture notes with some assistance from the text book.

Physical Database Design 1:


The process of developing a physical implementation strategy for a logical design:

Systems Analysis and Design

FIT9030: Week 8

Today’s catch up lecture was title ‘The Nature of Good Design’ and began our work on the Design phase [PADIS]. David’s analogy for the Design phase in comparison to the Analysis phase was, ‘the analysis phase is like the architects rendering of a how a house will look and its features… the design phase is the conversion of that outline into a blueprint from which the house can be built’.